An exhibit of Markdown TOP NEW
This note demonstrates some of what Markdown is capable of doing. An exhibit of Markdown Note: Feel free to play with this page. Unlike regular notes, this doesn’t automatically save itself. Basic formatting Paragraphs can be written like so. A paragraph is the basic block of Markdown. A paragraph is what text will turn into when there is no... Read More
Mathjax Test TOP NEW
A safe integer is an integer that can be exactly represented as an IEEE-754 double precision number, and whose IEEE-75 representation cannot be the result of rounding any other integer to fit the IEEE-754 representation For example, $ 2 ^ {53} - 1 $ is a safe integer, it can be exactly represented Read More
Mermaid example TOP NEW
Plantuml example TOP NEW
Quick markdown example TOP NEW
Paragraphs are separated by a blank line. 2nd paragraph. Italic, bold, and monospace. Itemized lists look like: this one that one the other one Note that — not considering the asterisk — the actual text content starts at 4-columns in. Block quotes are written like so. They can span multiple paragraphs, if you like. Use 3 da... Read More